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Rick and Bubba's Radio Station Fun!


Prove your Fan Knowledge with this fun quiz and if you get 100% correct, you'll be entered to win:

  1. A Rick and Bubba Fan T-Shirt
  2. A 90-Day supply of Calotren®
  3. A jar of Pinch Me Therapy Dough
  4. A collection of free supplements!

Thanks for Taking this quiz

You need 100% to be entered in the contest. Check out your results below and we'll follow up over email!


Other fun things for Rick and Bubba Fans:

1. Vote for Rick and Bubba for your Favorite Station/Radio Hosts to help them win $500 to their charity of choice and you'll also be entered to win a 90 day Supply of Calotren:

Vote For Your Station

 2. Find out if Calotren is right for you!  Take this short quiz to see:

Quiz: Is Calotren Right for You?